Match Recap: Chiefs vs MAMMOTH

This preview proudly presented by Energizer

Our first match of LCO Split 2 was against none other than our old rivals MAMMOTH, and we were eager to kick off our campaign by going on a little hunt. Coming into the split, MAMMOTH had announced a few changes but were playing the same squad as Split 1 for their opener, and it promised to be a treat. Having never lost a game to MAMMOTH in the LCO era, and with our Week 7 matchup last split being the fastest win in LCO history, we were hopeful we’d be able to put up a similar performance.
Coming into the draft, we put Raes in position to take over the game by locking in Draven as a response to Voice’s Sivir pick, and handed our new support Aladoric the Nautilus to wreak havoc on the MAMMOTH botlane. Returning as our titan in the toplane, Topoon first-picked his signature Gnar and was complemented by Arthur picking up Wukong, with Tally locking in Lissandra to put the icing (see what I did there?) on the teamfight cake.
Aladoric got his first takedown on the board as a Chief within a minute of loading onto the Rift, flashing through mid to land a crisp hook onto Reufury’s Xerath. Rocco521, MAMMOTH’s roaming Renata support, fell victim to stepping a little too close to the fire as Tally and the botlane teamed up to take him down for our second kill of the game. More and more kills went our way, before we knocked down the first turret of the game just shy of the ten-minute mark to snowball our early lead even further.
That 3000 gold lead ended up ballooning to nearly 10k as the timer approached fifteen minutes, as Chiefs Construction Services Ltd. carried out a demolition job on MAMMOTH’s turrets. Firmly in control of the game, we found an angle for a dive on the Tier 2 in the bottom lane, and the resulting teamfight put five kills’ worth of gold into our already-bulging pockets. The map pressure gained handed us a Baron seconds after it spawned, and we were set up to take the game.
A hairy engage or two in the base delayed the now-inevitable end for MAMMOTH, as overeagerness to put our first W on the board meant we had to try a few times before closing out the game. However, third time’s the charm, and after twice being repulsed from the enemy base, we found a drawn-out fight that really let our carries shine, sinking tons of damage into our opposition before taking the win in a 24-minute bloodbath.
However, tonight looms a major test, as we’re set to take on Split 1 champs ORDER in our first match since our heartbreaking loss in April’s Grand Finals. With both teams switching up one of their positions, it’s time to get revenge and continue our campaign towards Worlds.
Tune in to the Chiefs vs ORDER clash at tonight at 7pm AEST and 9pm NZST!